AKT – Malmö Opera open up for the new generation

AKT, which stands for Arrangement, Culture, Theatre, is aimed at children and young adults who are interested in performing arts and are keen to discover more about the various professions represented at Malmö Opera.  Young adults can gain insights into the different professions involved in art, culture and music, and they can create their own workshops, events and meetings centred around the opera house and its productions.  Through the AKT programme, children and young adults have the opportunity to join in and expand their contact networks and perspectives.

Read more about AKT on their website


As a child, Lex ran around behind the scenes at their father's job as a lighting technician at the Royal Opera in Stockholm. As a non-binary transgender person, they have found a free zone in the performing arts where they can be themselves.

The power of music unites

“Support from Signatur Foundation Sweden is absolutely crucial for us to be able to implement the AKT programme, giving more young adults the opportunity to learn about the different professions linked to art and culture.  AKT aims to promote young adults as part of building a sustainable society where music and the power of song unite.”

Malmö Opera

  • Malmö Opera - AKT Talkhow är ett nytt projekt som utformats för att bredda och vidareutveckla AKT:s målsättning att skapa inkluderande och engagerande miljöer inom kultur och scenkonst för unga
    Fotograf: Miriam Riaie

AKT Talkshow - inclusive projects Autumn 2020

AKT Talkhow is a new project designed to broaden and further develop AKT’s aim to create inclusive and engaging environments in culture and performing arts for young people.

In the series, available on Youtube and IGTV, children in classes 4-9 share their thoughts about performing arts, culture and their own creation. They interview “local celebrities” and residents in their neighbourhood, demonstrate their own performing arts in activity groups run by Allaktivitetshusen, and undertake study visits to Malmö Opera.

The students also participate in their own “talk show”. In the episode, they have the opportunity to discuss their experiences from visiting the opera and talk about their views on different types of performing arts from a slightly deeper perspective.

To link in with AKT’s aim to promote diversity, the recordings were made with students and activity leaders from Allaktivitetshusen at schools in Lindängen and Hermodsdal, areas often described as vulnerable, and in many ways easily overlooked.

The ambition is for the series to provide both a fun and educational discussion platform for participating children, and give viewers an exciting and valuable insight into how the children look at and value culture and performing arts.